Simple Loan management system PHP

Simple Loan management system 

This system is able to accommodate the new borrower and stored their Information, Income Assessment and Requirements as well as their loan Information. The system also has the feature for approval and releasing of loan request. The system can record and accept payment from a specific borrower depending on the payment term

Scope :
  •  Login System
      - This login-in system identifies the level of a user  who is using the system. It is categorized by              user level such as:
  • Administrator
       -  Can view all transaction from processing department to lenders profile.
  • Online Application form
       -  Customer apply and register their information so that they can proceed to the next process of             lending.

Limitations :
  •  It does not support online payments
           - Since the basis of payment is through check or cash, lender's can only pay it personally.
  • This system does not support accounting system
          - Accounting system is responsible for the possible expenses spend in the company; this        system has no capability of generating such expenses. It mainly focuses on  the calculations               of loan payments and other loan calculation

This system features:

  • Register new Borrowers/Loaners
  • Add Loan Type
  • Approve Loan
  • Disapprove Loan 
  • Late Loan